Thursday, February 28, 2008

Baby Cooper is 1!

Our nephew turned one last week, and boy is he wonderful! These are random favorites, not really the story-telling type of photos, just bits and pieces that I'd like to share.

I had a goal to get the Coop to walk for his aunt Nikki for his birthday. My name means "easily comes success when reaching for your goals" or "victorious one"... I guess that was right.


I loved this candid of three generations with baby, mom, and grandpa.

Next door neighbor over for the party... she's one of the cutest children the world may ever see. No joke. No exaggeration. It's true.

Mmmm. Cake.

And for all the family & 35 friends who came to celebrate this soon to be British boy, you can view the rest of the images from the party (well, at the least the final cut). Click here.

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