Then my husband said, "Nikki you are going to get hit by a car." Apparently he's a Mr. Smarty-pants and knew there was no sidewalk to get up to the ramp and that the ramp was closed off at the bottom. Convinced it was possible, I stuck Janele in my car and we drove down the street. And then she said, "Nikki, we're going to get hit by a car if we go up there." So if your model wont' go, you don't go and we had a great shoot at the bottom of the ramp instead. She and I had such a great time and did so many shots I wasn't anticipating, I have too many to show off! She is a natural and I gave very little direction. Thanks, friend!
This first one exemplifies the style I was going for at the start, and then it just got crazy from there...

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