Saturday, February 23, 2008

From Okinawa to St. Louis

Recently our daughter-in-law and grandson came half-way around the world to visit. :) Hats off to Brianna for traveling with a toddler spending endless hours in air and at numerous airports. Their journey took them approximately 36 hours. We had a spectacular time! Zach is all smiles, full of energy, and quite the curious little soon to be 2 year old. On Monday, it was 72 degrees and we took Zach to the zoo. The melting snow created puddles which naturally attracted Zach. While they were here, we also visited The Magic House which he loved. As you can see, it was a hair raising experience. Zach has definitely mastered his small motor skills. Uncles Ben and Daniel enjoyed coloring with him. We also took pictures of them at the Arch and Busch Stadium and e-mailed them to Kevin. Zach also got to see his new cousin, Hayden. Grandchildren are the best! They make you want to have fun and not work. Brianna and Zach have since returned home safely to Okinawa where Kevin is serving in the Navy. We are looking forward to the next time Kevin, Brianna, and Zach can visit. Our prayers are for them and all military men and women serving our country.

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