Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Full Moon

For years I have loved the moon, and when Brian told me there would be a blood-red full moon last night, we decided to get up in the middle of the night to track down that moon. I am blessed to have a beautiful large park right across the street from my home, so we waltzed outside and fought the mosquitoes to enjoy the moon and try to get some pictures.

Unfortunately, I only had my monopod with me, which I knew would be not enough with it being so dark, but I gave it a shot. I wasn't pleased with the results of most of my pictures, but I learned a lot about night photography and my camera settings. Here is my favorite edited version.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Earlier, I was thinking about how I really don't have much to do today. Then I remembered, "Hey, I'm a photographer! I should take pictures!" So I did. I documented my lunch- a good 'ol PB&J, a nectarine, and some Cheez-its. It tasted as good as it looks.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Band Practice

Saturday night, I was up at my church (www.citylightschurch.com) during band practice and got some practice of my own taking pictures in a room with strange lighting and practice using my new monopod. I've decided that monopods are awesome, with the exception of the inability to use the camera vertically, which I tend to do a lot.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My First Trash The Dress!

Saturday, I joined Michelle Ross from Under Grace Photography (www.undergracephoto.com) for my first trash the dress experience. I've been following it at www.trashthedress.com since May when I met one of the admins, Jason Domingues (www.jasondomingues.com) at the wedding of one my best friends. I love the idea behind it, though I know it's full of controversy. If you are doing something that shows commitment to your marriage AND getting awesome pictures at the same time, I'm behind it 100%!

The bride for this trash bash is Angela. She was such a trooper! It was over 100 degrees outside and she trekked all around Bee Tree Park in her stunning dress. Here is a sampling of that afternoon.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Hello! Welcome to our blog.

Would you like to meet the authors? John Lawing has been involved with photography for over 25 years. Having graduated from Webster University, he received his degree in Media Communications with an emphasis in photography. Though he began in commercial photography, his photographic love fell to wedding photography over 20 years ago, and that is where he currently specializes with his wife Susan. He has a marks of a great photographer, as you can see that his work shifts with the times to stay modern and stunning. John and Susan are the proud owners of Lawing Photography.

Susan married into photography when she married John. She has also picked up the camera and become quite successful at it. Susan has a way with children that we guarantee they will become happy and smiling children by the time they snap the shutter. And even if they are not, she'll capture a special and unique moment anyhow. Her current favorite photo topic is her grandson Zachary when he visits from Japan.

Nikki Dukes is the third photographer for Lawing Photography. She graduated from Webster University with a degree in Social Sciences and Photography. We guess that makes people pictures among her favorites, though her background gives her experience in various types of photography. Nikki is thrilled to be given a chance to make a career out of her passion for photography. She is also blessed to have a supportive husband, Brian, who gives us lots of tech support when we need it!

Together, we are Lawing Photography. Apart, we are three followers of Christ who see life through the lens of a camera (and maybe a little Photoshop). We hope you follow our blog to see the bits and pieces of our personal photography work, our professional work, our family, and also Lawing Photography specials, sales, new packages, and upcoming events.

A few from Europe

Now that school is over, I've a lot more time to use the Photoshop Elements, which was a great gift from my family this past Christmas. I've spent a great deal of time recently getting used to some of the great gadgets it's got as well as read up on some great digital photography techniques. Boy, do I love the library! I thought I'd post a few of the images I've been working on.

This is of a beggar in Prague, Czech Republic, March 2006

Prague, Czech Republic, March 2006

Hyde Park, London, England, May 2006

Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2006