Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Photography Favorites

One of my favorite things about photography is that even when you are technically skilled and proficient, things always look a little different than your minds eye or in reality. I've always enjoyed taking a picture simply to see how it looks. There are often pleasant surprises hiding inside the lens. It is something that I rather enjoy.

A few weeks back I took a few pictures of the moon the night of the lunar eclipse (though I didn't know we were about to have one and I was a few hours too early). I was also just taking some dusk images of the park across from my house. Most of the images were only mediocre for what I was hoping for and I didn't really care for the batch as a whole. The crisp clear pictures didn't strike my fancy. But what did was this odd ball that I took. It was a pleasant surprise hiding in my lens... And it became even more striking to me after I did just a few small adjustments in post-production on the computer.

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