Friday, March 28, 2008

Wedding Season Warm-up

Earlier this week, I'd been up at the church where the wedding this weekend will be to scout locations. I loved how there were so many wonderful places within just a block or two. One of my dear friends decided I needed a warm up for the wedding season, and I heartily agreed that I needed to get out there and shoot. And last minute after work yesterday, a group of 5 of my friends from church followed me around a brewery for some fun, unique shots! I did some portraits, some details, a little bit of everything. We even broke out my veil. There were so many that I loved, that picking just a few to post was impossible, so there is a link at the bottom if you want to see more.

Thanks to the ladies who participated and put up with all the honking from passersby... I told them to break out their best poses, and to "work it." I guess they knew I meant business! Great job. You were all naturals.

Click here for a more complete look at our photoshoot.

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