Thursday, April 3, 2008

Emily & Andy

This past weekend, Susan and I shot a most lovely Easter bride and her charming groom. It was a flawless day with sunshine and abundant love! I feel so honored to have had the opportunity to witness such a beautiful day with a couple so full of love and emotion for each other. It is not often when the bride and groom can let go of all the little details and really enjoy the emotion of the day and simply being with their new mate. It greatly increases their ability to be comfortable behind the camera, forgetting at moments, that it is even near. I was close to tears as I edited this wedding due to the true emotion and honest facial expressions that we captured with the camera.

And yes, we saw some camels to end the day.
Emily and Andy had wonderful families who not only were incredibly nice, but also showed up in great number! The best man, Kyle, said I should win an award for getting them all in one picture.


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Brian Dukes said...

That photo of Andy reclining on the stairs looks really great, you really captured something there!