Thursday, April 17, 2008

Baby Maya

Monday at about 5:30 I knew I needed to take pictures, so I called Baby Maya's mom and left a message saying that it was picture time and if she didn't call me back I'd be stuck taking pictures of trees. We'd been trying to get this session done since before this baby was even born. So for a perfect 3 months photoshoot, I got an impromptu session set up in a flash. An excited momma called me right back and said, "Hurry! She's smiling!" I ran back to my car and hit the road. It was prime time for this baby. I had a lot of fun in my digital darkroom doing the edits, adding some creative touches here and there.

I took pictures of her once before while she was still cookin' in the oven. You can view the rest of the family from the archives by clicking here.

To view more of her, click here.

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